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Transit Route
Transit routes represent how Transit Vehicles traverse the network. Transit route characteristics include:
- Route name: Often separated by direction (i.e. Inbound or Outbound or similar). One example would be MUNI_30X_IN to represent the SFMTA Muni Route, 30-Express, in the inbound direction.
- Directions: where the vehicle drives, represented by a list of nodes or links
- Stopping Pattern: Often embedded in the directions, are notes about what nodes constitute transit stops. In many systems, transit stops can be restricted to only allow alightings, or only allow boardings.
- Transit Vehicles type
- Transit Route Frequency, which is often designated by time period can be represented by a schedule or by an average headway
Some other common attributes of transit routes include:
- special instructions about how travel time is calculated, including the delays associated with making a stop
- transit agency, which can be used to help determine fares