Metropolitan Travel Forecasting: Current Practice and Future Direction

# Author

Transportation Research Board

# Source

Transportation Research Board

# Abstract

This report represents the foundation upon which the Travel Forecasting Resource is built. As a result of a Metropolitan Planning Organization travel demand model peer review conducted by TRB in 2003, it became clear that at that time, little information was available to practitioners to assist them in making judgements about state-of-the-practice techniques for model development and application. The peer review committee had to rely on their judgement to make this technical evaluation, rather than on detailed information on how key technical issues were treated by the MPOs peers. This lack of information prompted FHWA, FTA and TRB to conduct this study to gather the information needed to determine the national state-of-the-practice in travel demand forecasting. This report presents the findings of this review, including the overall conclusion that their was a knowledge gap that needed to be filled in order to improve the overall state-of -the-practice in travel forecasting.

TRB Special Report 288, Metropolitan Travel Forecasting: Current Practice and Future Direction, examines metropolitan travel forecasting models that provide public officials with information to inform decisions on major transportation system investments and policies. The report explores what improvements may be needed to the models and how federal, state, and local agencies can achieve them. According to the committee that produced the report, travel forecasting models in current use are not adequate for many of today's necessary planning and regulatory uses.

Copyright by National Academy of Sciences, 2007

# Publication Date


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