NCHRP Report 765

# Analytical Travel Forecasting Approaches for Project-Level Planning and Design

TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 765: Analytical Travel Forecasting Approaches for Project-Level Planning and Design (opens new window) describes methods, data sources, and procedures for producing travel forecasts for highway project-level analyses. This report provides an update to NCHRP Report 255: Highway Traffic Data for Urbanized Area Project Planning and Design (opens new window).

In addition to the report, Appendices A through I from the contractor’s final report are available on a "disc image file" that can be downloaded from CRP-CD-143 (opens new window). These appendices supplement this report by providing a substantial amount of companion data and information. The appendices also include the extended literature review, the detailed NCHRP Report 255 review, supplementary tables, a list of defined acronyms, and a glossary. Also included on CRP-CD-143 are spreadsheet demonstrations, and, for reference purposes, a tool developed by the North Carolina Department of Transportation to assess annual average daily traffic.

Published by TRB in 2014.

The content of this report is covered extensively within this wiki under the topic: Project-level traffic forecasting.

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