Goods Movement Study in Illinois: Application to Freight Transportation and Logistics
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"Goods Movement Study in Illinois: Application to Freight Transportation and Logistics"
# Author
Kouros Mohammadian, Karl Sturm, Zahra Pourabdollahi, and Amir Samimi
# Source
Illinois Center for Transportation
# Abstract
This report details the results generated by a nationwide online freight establishment study. The survey was assembled with the intention of allowing the formulation or enhancement of new or existing freight-demand microsimulation models. Within this report is an overview of the steps taken in designing and implementing the establishment and shipment questionnaires of the freight survey. Following that is a descriptive analysis of the results of key questions posed in our survey. Over the course of the study, 966 usable establishment surveys and 1,844 shipment forms were collected and assembled in a database, an adequate number for modeling purposes.
# Copyright & Usage Permissions
Public Domain
# Publication Date
March 2013