Dallas Case Study

TRansportation ANalysis SIMulation System (TRANSIMS): The Dallas Case Study

# Author

Los Alamos National Laboratory & Texas Transportation Institute

# Source

Federal Highway Administration (Publication No. FHWA-PD-99-006, HEP-22/12-98(1.5M)QE)

# Abstract

This report summarizes the procedure, results and conclusions of a case study application of the TRANSIMS microsimulation procedure in Dallas, Texas. The microsimulation is part of the larger TRANSIMS transportation simulation system. The purpose of this case study was to test the capabilities of the TRANSIMS microsimulation to track the movement of simulated individual vehicles through a simulated representation of a transportation network. The case study successfully demonstrated those capabilities using real travel data to address actual planning issues. An additional case study now underway in Portland, Oregon, will test the other components of TRANSIMS.

The case study examined how two different kinds of roadway improvements would relieve traffic congestion in an intensely developed suburban area in north Dallas. The case study area is served by north-south and east-west freeways that intersect near office buildings, hotels and the largest shopping mall in Dallas. The roadway network changes considered were (1) adding a lane in each direction to one of the freeways and (2) modifying arterial street operations, intersections and capacity. The microsimulation results illustrated the effects on traffic flow of the two improvement options. The network performance measures compared for the two improvement options and the base existing condition were travel time, speed, average vehicle hours, and average vehicles miles and network reliability. The first two of those performance measures were prepared for two sets of comparisons. One compared mall and non-mall travelers. The other compared internal, internal-external and through trips.

This publication is in the public domain.

# Publication Date

January 1999

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