Travel Forecasting, Explained
A collection of best practices for travel demand forecasting and travel survey methods.
State of the practice
This site collects the latest and most practical methods and tools available for travel modelers.
More than a wiki: many pages are written and reviewed by leaders in our industry, including members of the TRB ADB45 committee.
Help out!
We welcome content from the entire travel forecasting community. Please help us keep the content fresh!
# What is the Travel Forecasting Resource ?
This project came about due to a TRB research project designed to examine the state-of-the-practice in metropolitan travel forecasting.
In the final report, Metropolitan Travel Forecasting: Current Practice and Future Direction, the committee identified many recommendations to improve travel demand forecasting, including a national travel forecasting handbook to be developed and kept current.
This suggestion was taken up by the forecasting community, and this TFResource is that handbook! We hope you find it useful.
# The next steps
As of Fall 2024, the Transportation Research Board has discontinued the subcommittee that oversees the development of TF Resource. As a result, active development of this site has stopped. We are grateful for the long-standing contributions of many contributors, and look forward to determining the best way to move forward as a community with or beyond TF Resource.
Thank you to the Transportation Research Board and to the volunteers of the ADB45 Travel Forecasting Resources committee, without whom none of this content would exist.
This website graciously funded by the USDOT-sponsored Tier-1 TOMNET University Transportation Center at Arizona State University.
Website design by Billy Charlton from Because LLC using VuePress